Saturday, 4 April 2020

March 2020 Record Beating Solar

March 2020 will be known for record breaking in relation to Corona Virus Covid-19 but in the UK it was also a record breaking month for solar panel electricity generation. The month seemed somewhat dull and cold but obviously there was more sun than I imagined! The cold temperatures would have also helped the panels be more efficient to improve generation too. Since mid March we have been working from home as a result of the Covid-19 virus requirements to stay inside and only travel for essential food or medicine journeys.

The total for March 2020 was 330 kWh of solar electricity produced

This compares to an 8 year average of 270 kWh with lows of 173 kWh for March 2013. You can see the full data here

Do you have solar panels in the UK? How did your data compare for March 2020? Post in the comments if you have any feedback on your own generation.

March 2020 Record Beating Solar
March 2020 Record Beating Solar