The Feed in Tariff for April 2023 onwards is based on the RPI figure for December 2022 which was announced today as 13.4%. This means that the FIT rate for early adopters pre-2012 is increasing from 60.23p per kWh generated solar power to 68.30p per kWh. This is about the only advantage of high inflation rates!
A blog all about the 3kWp PV Solar panels installed in Nov 2011 in Kent UK by Solar Advanced Systems. Follow the ongoing performance and how much solar power we generate over the next few months as well as the problems and solutions we encounter along the way such as solar panels electric meter going backwards. We are registered with British Gas for our FIT payments and our roof is SSW facing. We have 14 x Sungrid 215W solar panels and Sunny Boy 3000HF inverter.