Monday, 18 November 2019

Solar Panels Generation Long Term Average (LTA) Electricity Output

After 8 years we've got some pretty good average generation data for our solar panels. The panels were installed on 18th November 2011 so we've now had plenty of different weather patterns over that time to see how the totals add up.

Solar Panels Generation Long Term Average (LTA) Electricity Output
Solar Panels Generation Long Term Average (LTA) Electricity Output
Our generation meter was reading 26002 kWh this morning so that's 3250kWh per year, quite an impressive amount for 3kWp panels in the UK.

The full details are available here showing each year and month

Winter and Summer Solar Panel electricity generation

Saturday, 2 November 2019

PV Solar Panel Generation Deterioration Over Time?

Solar panels are expected to deteriorate over their lifetime and according to the manufacturers the generation of solar power can drop by around 0.5% per year.

What's interesting is that after 8 years this deterioration isn't visible and that the natural variation of the solar electricity generated is a far more obvious factor than the performance of the panels themselves.

Annual generation has varied between 2794 and 3343 kWh per year but this has not been in a straight line and generation can vary by 10% which easily masks a 0.5% variation in panels.

Friday, 1 November 2019

October 2019 - The Best and Worst Solar Generation!

The data for October 2019 is now complete and a massive contrast. The worst October power generation we've recorded since our solar panels were installed in 2011 but also the best October day since our panels were fitted.

October 2019 Solar Generation Statistics - The Best and Worst!
October 2019 Solar Generation Statistics - The Best and Worst!
Although October 2019 was the lowest ever October at 186kWh electricity generated over the month as it's been quite dull and rainy, we did have a couple of very sunny days one of which gave our best October generating day ever.

October 2018 was nearly 100kWh better at 273kWh compared to the 186kWh this year.
But October 2nd 2019 generated 16.394kWh which was the highest amount for an October day that we've seen.

Full details of the electricity generation from our solar panels is below: